Best Travel Quotes

We know you love travelling, this is why we’ve collated 25 of the best travel quotes from around the world to further inspire you to see the world. Enjoy!

1. You can see it for miles. Like, it goes over the hills and stuff ….but so does the M6.
– Karl Pilkington on the Great Wall of China

2. Travel, which had once charmed him, seemed, at length, unendurable, a business of colour without substance, a phantom chase after his own dream’s shadow.
– F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Beautiful and Damned

3. Every city has a sex and an age which have nothing to do with demography. Rome is feminine.  So is Odessa.  London is a teenager, an urchin, and this hasn’t changed since the time of Dickens. Paris, I believe, is a man in his twenties in love with an older woman.
– John Berger

4. Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up.
– Ernest Hemingway

5. The ideal is to feel at home anywhere, everywhere
– Geoff Dyer, Paris Trance

6. I needed no better reason for the journey than to be exactly where I was, knowing what I knew. Those were the times when I felt full of natural wisdom, scratching at heaven’s very door.
– Ted Simon, Jupiter’s Travels

7. The entrance to the Underworld is in Los Angeles.
– Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief


8. Australia is about as far away as you can get. I like that.
– Andre Benjamin

9. And I wondered, with mounting anxiety, what am I supposed to do here? What am I supposed to think?
– Alain de Botton, The Art of Travel

10. What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? – it’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.
– Jack Kerouac, On the Road

11. To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
– Aldous Huxley

12. A new kind of heat, brutal and hard, carrying the smell of another continent. As I came down the mountain this heat piled up, pushing against me with blasts of sand, so that I walked half-blind, my tongue dry as a carob bean, obsessed once again by thirst. These were ominous days of nerve-bending sirocco, with peasants wrapped up to the eyes… but far down in the valley, running in slow green coils, I could see at last the tree-lined Guadalquivir.

– Laurie Lee, As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning

13. A journey is like a marriage.  The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it
– John Steinbeck, Travels with Charley

14. Escape through travel works. Almost from the moment I boarded my flight, life in England became meaningless. Seat-belt signs lit up, problems switched off. Broken armrests took precedence over broken hearts. By the time the plane was airborne I’d forgotten England even existed.
– Alex Garland, The Beach

15. Venice is a cheek-by-jowl, back-of-the-hand, under-the-counter, higgledy-piggledy, anecdotal city, and she is rich in piquant wrinkled things, like an assortment of bric-a-brac in the house of a wayward connoisseur, or parasites on an oyster-shell.
– Jan Morris, Venice

16. All travel is circular. I had been jerked through Asia, making a parabola on one of the planet’s hemispheres. After all, the grand tour is just the inspired man’s way of heading home.
– Paul Theroux, The Great Railway Bazaar

17. I am going away with him to an unknown country where I shall have no past and no name, and where I shall be born again with a new face and an untried heart.
– Colette

18. He won’t fly on the Balinese airline, Garuda, because he won’t fly on any airline where the pilots believe in reincarnation.
– Spalding Gray

19. Gradually the magic of the island settled over us as gently and clingingly as pollen. Each day had a tranquillity, a timelessness, about it so that you wished it would never end. But then the dark skin of night would peel off and there would be a fresh day waiting for us, glossy and colourful as a child’s transfer and with the same tinge of unreality.
– Gerald Durrell, My Family and Other Animals

20. The border means more than a customs house, a passport officer, a man with a gun. Over there everything is going to be different; life is never going to be quite the same again after your passport has been stamped.
– Graham Greene


21. Walking is a virtue, tourism is a deadly sin.
– Bruce Chatwin, What Am I Doing Here?

22. Travelling is like flirting with life. It’s like saying, ‘I would stay and love you, but I have to go; this is my station’.
– Lisa St. Aubin de Teran

23. Jet lag is for amateurs.
– Dick Clark

24. With the palms zipping past and the big sun burning down on the road ahead, I had a flash of something I hadn’t felt since my first months in Europe. A mixture of ignorance, and a loose, what-the-hell kind of confidence that comes when a man picks up and begins to move in a hard, straight line toward an unknown horizon.
– Hunter S. Thompson, The Rum Diary

25. We could bore ourselves to death, drink ourselves to death, or have a bit of an adventure.
– Terry Darlington, Narrow Dog to Carcassonne


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