To reserve a flight without paying, you would need to do something called “Book on Hold”. Booking a flight on hold typically involves a temporary reservation of a flight itinerary without completing the actual purchase. Here’s a detailed guide on how to book a flight on Wakanow without paying:

What is a Flight Reservation Ticket?

A flight reservation ticket is a document provided by airlines or travel agencies that confirms a seat on a specific flight. It includes essential details such as the passenger’s name, flight number, departure and arrival times, and a unique booking reference number.

Unlike an issued ticket, a flight reservation ticket does not guarantee travel until it is paid for and converted into a confirmed ticket. It is commonly used for visa applications or when travel plans are not yet finalized.

Can You Reserve a Plane Ticket and Pay Later?

Yes, several airlines and travel agencies allow you to reserve a plane ticket and pay later. This option, often referred to as “fare locking” or “hold my fare,” enables travelers to secure a booking without immediate payment. During the reservation process, you may be given the option to choose a hold period, which can range from a few hours to several days.

After selecting this option, you must pay the full fare before the hold period expires to confirm your ticket. This service is beneficial for travelers who need time to finalize their plans or arrange payment. Wakanow allows you to reserve a plane ticket and pay later – It’s called Pay small small.

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Can I Reserve Airline Tickets?

Yes, you can reserve airline tickets. Many airlines and travel agencies offer the option to hold a seat for a certain period before making the final payment.

This service is particularly useful when you need time to finalize your travel plans or wait for visa approval. During the reservation period, the price and availability of the ticket are generally secured, preventing any potential fare increase.

Can I Reserve a Ticket Without Paying?

In some cases, it is possible to reserve a ticket without paying instantly. This option is usually available for a short duration and may require a small fee or deposit.

Wakanow offer this service! They give customers the flexibility to reserve a flight without paying immediately, giving them to arrange other travel details or secure funds. However, it is important to read the terms and conditions, as failure to pay within the stipulated time can result in the cancellation of the reservation.

How to Reserve a Flight Without Paying in Nigeria

how to reserve a flight without paying

Reserving a flight with any travel booking website whether from a travel agency or Airline in Nigeria and placing it on hold typically follows a similar process to the steps I mentioned earlier. Here’s a guide for how to reserve a flight without paying, specifically in Nigeria:

1. Choose a Travel Booking Website

Select a reputable travel booking website that operates in Nigeria. Popular options include Expedia, Wakanow, Onburd, or the official websites of airlines.

2. Search for Flights

Use the search feature on the chosen travel booking website to find available flights based on your travel preferences.

3. Select Your Flights

Choose the specific flights that best fit your schedule and preferences. E.g – booking a flight from Lagos to London or Lagos to Abuja etc.

4. Enter Passenger Information

Enter your required information, such as your legal names, contact details, and any other necessary details they request.

5. Review the Itinerary

Carefully review the selected itinerary to ensure that all the details you provided are accurate, including dates, times, and passenger information.

6. Hold or Reserve Option

Look for an option on the website that allows you to book the selected flights “on hold” or reserve them. This option is usually available during the booking process before you enter payment details.

7. Provide your Contact Information

If required, provide your contact information so that the travel booking website can reach you during the hold period.

8. Note the Hold Period and Terms

Take note of the hold period and any terms and conditions associated with the hold. Be aware of the duration during which you must confirm and pay for the booking. Be aware of any fees or specific conditions associated with placing a flight on hold through the travel booking website. Some websites may charge a fee for this service.

9. Confirmation and Payment

If you decide to proceed with the booking, confirm and complete the payment within the specified hold period. This is typically done online through the travel booking website. Alternatively if you choose not to proceed with the booking, make sure to release the hold within the specified time frame. This ensures that the held seats become available to other passengers.

Step by Step Guide to Reserve a Flight Without Paying

1. Visit the Wakanow Website or Mobile App:
– Go to the official Wakanow website. Alternatively, you can walk into our Travel Centers or download the mobile app.

2. Search for Flights
– Use our flight booking search engine on our website to find the flight options that suit your travel preferences.

3. Select Your Flights
– Choose the specific flights that you want, including the departure and return dates, times, and any other preferences.

4. Enter Passenger Information
– Enter your information which is standard for all passengers, including names, contact details, and any other necessary details.

5. Review the Itinerary
– Carefully review the selected itinerary to ensure that all the details are correct, including dates, times, and your passenger information.

6. Select “Hold” Option:
– To reserve your flight without paying, look for the checkout option on the Wakanow website that allows you to book the selected flight on hold or reserve. This option is usually displayed during the booking process, often before you enter payment details.

7. Provide Contact Information:
– If required, provide your contact information so that we can reach you during the hold period.

8. Hold Period and Terms:
– Take note of the hold period and any terms and conditions associated with the hold. We typically provide a limited time during which you must either confirm and pay for the booking or release the hold.

How Long Does a Flight Reservation Last?

The duration of a flight reservation varies depending on the airline and the specific booking terms. Generally, reservations without payment last between 24 to 72 hours. Some airlines may offer longer hold periods for an additional fee. It is crucial to check the expiration date of the reservation to ensure timely payment and confirmation of the ticket.

flight reservation without payment

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Flight Reservation Without Credit Card

I understand, it’s not every time you want to book a flight and put your credit card on file. Reserving a flight without using your Credit card will mean you’d have to checkout with other payment methods.

While it’s common for airlines and travel booking websites to require a credit card for flight reservations, there are alternative methods you can explore if you don’t have access to a credit card. Here are some alternatives:

1. Debit Cards

Many airlines and travel booking websites, especially in countries that are not big on Credit cards,  accept debit cards with major card network logos (such as Visa or Mastercard). You can use your debit card just like a credit card for online bookings.

2. Bank Transfers

Some airlines or travel agencies allow customers to make reservations and pay through bank transfers. With this method, the airline or agency will usually put their bank details on the checkout page.

3. Mobile Payment Apps

Depending on the region and the airline, some may accept payments through mobile payment apps. Services like PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay are examples of mobile payment options that are usually accepted as a means to reserve a flight without entering your credit card details.

4. Cash Payments

In some cases, airlines or travel agencies may allow for cash payments at their physical offices or authorized Travel centers.

5. Gift Cards or Vouchers

Some Airlines offer gift cards or vouchers that you can purchase with cash and use for flight reservations. Check with your preferred airline to see if they provide this option.

Reserve your flight ticket today on Wakanow – Click here.