10 Fun Things To Do on Valentine’s Day this 2016
Valentine’s Day is that special day of the year to go all out in expressing love to that special someone. There are many unique ways to do this – from giving gifts, to treating him or her to a cozy getaway someplace nice… Mauritius sounds like a plan!
Here are our top ten ideas for you this coming Valentine. Go through the list and make something lovely ‘happen’ with that special person this February 14.
Valentine Gifts
This almost goes without saying. It’s very important to think of a good Valentine’s Day gift idea. If you think your partner will be into it, make it a surprise. If not, show up in his/her favorite clothing of yours and present it yourself. A Valentine’s gift doesn’t have to be expensive, but don’t go for cheap stuff that may ruin the vibe.
Pro Tip: Chocolates are usually welcome. Good ones only break in the mouth.
Valentine’s Day in a Hotel
The thought of leaving the daily hustle behind and waking up to a gorgeous sunrise on the morning of Val’s Day in a luxury room, knowing that you have all day to re-ignite the romance with your partner, is enough to get you giddy. Now put it in your plans to do it.
Pro Tip: We have fantastic Valentine day deals for different cities around the world! Make sure to book early. No one has to know it was a discount hotel deal you got online.
Massage Spa
Mmm… some spas are so good, you never want to return home. Ever heard of someone who complained of having too many massages? We neither. There’s no time of the year your sweetheart doesn’t want a good relaxing massage. And if it’s part of a Valentine treat – even better!
Pro Tip: If you’re savvy enough, you can be one of the lucky people to win a free Spa treatment if you book one of our Valentine Packages early.
Go Somewhere You’ve Never Been Before
This one is for the brave explorer-couple. Pack up your bags on Valentine’s weekend, travel somewhere you’ve never gone before, and explore all you can with a loved one till nothing you see is new anymore. We dare you to try Romance, Arkansas and Loveland, Colorado, USA.
Pro Tip: Call us to customize a Valentine package for you
Valentine Vacation
A Valentine Vacation is different from a fun weekend at a local hotel. Take time off from work for the whole weekend and travel to somewhere beautiful with your partner.
Pro Tip: Don’t wait for the last minute. Start making plans now.
Give Yourself Totally to a Loved One
The whole idea of Valentine is giving. Your time is very valuable, consider sharing it with someone special this period as a gift. Sit down quietly and do nothing else but listen and talk with them. Share memories. And take selfies too if you can.
Do Something Daring
If you’ve ever wanted to do something daring and you’ve never had the guts to, now might be a good time to break the norm. Got a crush you’ve always wanted to ask out on a date? Now might be the right time to try your lines!
Take a Walk Down Memory Lane
Valentine’s Day is a great time to think about good times with the one you love. Take a visit to where you each grew up and learn new things about your partner.
Dress Up for the Night and Go for Dinner at a Waterfront Restaurant
Outfit… Check! Shoes… Check! Sultry perfume… Check! Attitude… Romance mode! A dinner isn’t what you do for a surprise. Inform your partner ahead and involve him/her in the process of deciding which restaurant you’ll go to. Show the options and decide on the final choice together. Get a chauffeur for the day who will focus on driving while you focus on each other.
Pro Tip: Don’t arrive late for important events.
Make Dinner
Even if your food were terrible, your partner should be too lovestruck to notice it on Valentine’s Day. Stay in all night, focus all your attention on your loved one and tune into each other